Brian McAvera

The Weight of Light, Irish Arts Review, 2018

John P O’Sullivan

The Weight of Light, The Sunday Times, 2018

John P O’Sullivan

Thin Places, The Sunday Times, 2015

Aidan Dunne

A monkey’s puzzle: the zoo or the theatre, Irish Times, 2015

Niall MacMonagle

What Lies Beneath, Sunday Independent, 2015

Amelia O’Mahony

Thin Places, LeCool Review, 2015

Catherine Marshall

Art and Architecture of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy, 2014

Geert Lernout

’Dual Perspectives’ Irish Arts Review, Summer 2012

Aidan Dunne

‘Taking the Long view of an ideal world’ Irish Times, 11/11/2009

Mark Van Dyck

‘De spoken van vormen · Het doctoraat van schilder Pat Harris’, Alfabeta, 75, March 2008

Aidan Dunne

‘A Wealth of Imagination’, Irish Times, 15 November 2006

Alan Good

‘Artists’ work on display’ The Irish Examiner, 12 November 2004

Aidan Dunne

‘The subtle art of turning one art into another’, Irish Times, 29 October 2003

Bert De Munck

’Sporen In Een Hoofd’ Deus ex Machina nr 98, 2001

Aidan Dunne

‘A painter’s building blocks’ Irish Times, 8 November 2001

Mark Ewart

‘Four Series’ Irish Times, 14 August 2000

Aidan Dunne

‘From Mayo to New Mexico’ Irish Times, 9 November 1999

Pascal Sertyn (pse)

‘Interview with Pat Harris’, De Nieuwe Gazet, October 1993

Sally Sadler

‘An Irish Exile in Flanders’ The Bulletin, Brussels, December 1990

Desmond MacAvock

‘Two shows at the Taylor Gallery’, Irish Times, 6   September 1989

Brian Fallon

’Pat Harris at the Taylor’, Irish Times, 1985

Rose Doyle

‘A Dubliner in Antwerp’, Irish Times, 30 June 1983

Kate Robinson

‘The search for new cultures’, Sunday Independent, 10 September 1981


Pat Harris, The Weight of Light, Artist Publication, Taylor Galleries Dublin, 2018

Luciano Benetton, Imago Mundi, An Image of Ireland, Contemporary Artists from Ireland, 2016

Pat Harris, Thin Places, Artist Publication, Taylor Galleries Dublin, 2015

Robert O’Byrne, Dictionary of Living Irish Artists, Artisan House, 2010

Nuala Fenton, Representing Art in Ireland, The Fenton Gallery, Cork, 2008

From Ballinglen to Cork, The Lavit Gallery, Cork, 2009

The Loose Box, Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, 2008

Tracings, Taylor Galleries, Dublin, 2006

Across Boundaries, opw, Dublin, 2005

siar 50, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, 2005

Aidan Dunne, ‘Painting in Ireland now’, Circa, Dublin, 2004

Stef Van Bellingen, Eclips, tentoontelling rond het verdwijnen, 2004

In the time of shaking · Irish Artists for Amnesty International, Art for Amnesty, Dublin, 2004

Pat Harris Passings, Taylor Galleries, Dublin, 2003

Living Landscape: European Topographies, West Cork Arts Centre, Cork, 2002

Pat Harris, Where the horses walk, Taylor Galleries, Dublin, 2001

ev-a 2001 expanded, Gandon-Editions, Limerick, 2001

Pat Harris, Pumpkins and other things, Taylor Galleries, Dublin, 1999

Pat Harris, Paintings from North Mayo, Taylor Galleries, Dublin, 1999

Dorothy Walker, Modern Art in Ireland, The Lilliput Press, Dublin, 1997

ncad 250, Drawings 1746–1996, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, 1996

Pat Harris, Galerij Brabo, Mercator Building, Antwerp, 1992

ncad Decade Show, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, 1985